In case you didn’t know, my mom has been living with me the past few months to help me move in and get settled. Really, we were unpacked and settled in about a month, but she’s retired and she wanted to spend some extra time with me and Lennon, and who am I to say “no” to that? In a few weeks, we’ll drive back to Mexico together to spend Christmas with my siblings — the holidays are still really tough without my dad, and it helps when we’re all together. After that, my mom will stay behind in Mexico and Lennon and I will head back home. I’m not going to lie to you. It’s been a challenge at times to share my tiny new space with my mom. I love her, of course, but there have been a few sacrifices I’ve had to make. For one, she’s been using my bedroom which means I haven’t had a chance to enjoy my fancy shmancy new “hospital” bed that I bought to help with my GERD (old lady alert #1). Instead, I’ve been sharing a room with Lennon and sleeping on his bunk bed, which is not *quite* the same experience. Anyway, the other day my mom asked me if I could take her to the mall. She wanted to visit her favorite department store, and I agreed. Now, I am not really a “mall person” and on that day, it was SO packed. I instantly got overwhelmed. Thankfully, I’m always able to find a “waiting area” where I can get away from all of the shoppers and just sit and wait. Me waiting and wondering if people know that online shopping is a thing. 😆 As I was sitting on the comfy sofa away from the crowds, it hit me that I’ve become my dad. He never EVER wanted to shop. So, he would always find a sitting area where he could wait for us. He was a man who never needed anything, and as I get older, I also feel like I have enough awareness and gratitude in my life that I don’t really need much, either. Having a roof over my head and good health is so much more valuable to me than a new dress that I’ll just end up donating to Goodwill in two years (old lady alert #2). Not only that, I believe we have everything we need when we have love in our lives. And I feel so much love every day from my son, my family, and from all of the amazing connections I’ve made online through my business over the past few years. Today is my birthday and I’m turning 37. I know this blog post makes it sound like I’m turning 67, but I’m actually really grateful for the insight I’ve gained as I’ve gotten older. If it isn’t abundantly clear by now, gifts aren’t really my love language. So instead, I’m spending my birthday with Lennon, exploring a new-to-us biking trail in our newish city, and eating all my favorite foods. When it comes to my business, my wish this year is that we continue to support each other and lift each other up. I would really love it if you could share something about my business in honor of my birthday! I don’t expect you to buy anything, but if you know someone who could benefit from my services or courses, you could refer them to my website or share something about my business on your Instagram Stories! It would truly mean so much to me. I want to make sure it goes both ways, though. If you own a business and I don’t know about it yet or follow you, send me a DM on Instagram and I’ll be sure to check out your page and put you on my referral list. Just because it’s my birthday doesn’t mean I can’t reciprocate! Well, I’m off to eat some birthday spicy Thai that I will 100% regret later when I lie down to go to sleep on that bunk bed. Here’s to 37!
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Karla Pámanes is an award-winning designer, branding expert, and mentor who helps businesses elevate their brands through strategic and impactful impactful visual design. Based in San Antonio, TX, she lives with her son, Lennon, and their two quirky cats, Teodoro and Paquito. ARCHIVES
February 2025