Well, friends. We made it to 2022. How are you feeling about it? I’m feeling optimistic and I’m definitely enjoying the extra motivation I always feel at the start of a new year. It’s always my ritual to take some time at the beginning of the year to reflect on what I want for myself. Once I do some serious thinking and journaling, I choose a word for myself. This word will act as my guiding light and north star as I move through the year. Having a single word to come back to really helps pull things into focus and align my projects and work for the year. It helps me determine which things I’m going to say “yes” to and which I need to pass on. And, if I feel like I’ve gone off-track, it’s easy for me to remember what I wanted for myself at the beginning of the year so I can find myself again. For 2022 I’ve chosen the word BELIEVE as my word of the year. I chose this word for a few reasons but in a nutshell, I really want to instill a stronger sense of confidence in myself as I move out of my comfort zone of only serving clients to serving more aspiring designers with my design mentorship workshop and course. This year, I want to: ✨ Believe I can do hard things. ✨ Believe I have what it takes to make my life a dream. ✨ Believe I can help others achieve goals. ✨ Believe I can do what I love and become financially secure. ✨ Believe that all challenges bring opportunities. ✨ Believe in miracles. ✨ Believe in myself. Like a lot of people, I tend to hold myself back from doing things if I’m not sure how it’s going to turn out in the end. I need to remind myself that no one has a crystal ball, and we all face these uncertainties anytime we want to do something new and different. So this year, I am going to believe that the outcome of my efforts will be positive so I can do more things I want to do. And I know that the more things I try, the more I’m going to realize that it’s not as scary as I’ve convinced myself it would be, and then it’s going to lead to so many more new ideas and opportunities! I would LOVE to hear what your word or intention for this year is. Leave me a comment below and let me know! If you don’t do this as a yearly practice, that’s okay! You can still share a big dream with me or just anything you’re planning on working on this year. I love to get inspired by other people’s goals. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” — Eleanor Roosevelt Wishing you all so much growth and magic in 2022!
Karla Pámanes is an award-winning designer, branding expert, and mentor who helps businesses elevate their brands through strategic and impactful impactful visual design. Based in San Antonio, TX, she lives with her son, Lennon, and their two quirky cats, Teodoro and Paquito. ARCHIVES
February 2025