There are only so many hours in the day… can I make enough to pay my bills? |
Will I be able to land high-paying clients if I don’t have a degree in graphic design? |
Can I create high-quality designs with Canva or do I need professional design software? |
Hi I'm Karla I'M A DESIGNER, BRANDING EXPERT, MOM & BRAND DESIGN STUDIO FOUNDER I always loved the phrase, "Be the person you needed when you were younger."
When I was learning graphic design, I was SO desperate for a mentor. Yes, I had talented professors, but there was never enough 1:1 time in the classroom. I often turned to my peers who were a little ahead of me and they helped me improve my skills the most. These days, I love sharing the knowledge I’ve collected from my 15+ years of experience as a freelance brand designer and business owner. This workshop isn’t just an hour of me sharing “how-to” advice. You can find business tips anywhere. Instead, I’ll share my story, my processes, and even some of the hard lessons I’ve learned along the way… because there have been a few! |
Become a stay-at-home money-maker with a creative career or side hustle in brand design!
Sign Up To Attend My Free Master Class on November 12th at 1pm EST. |